We gifted books to 2,281 children in 11 elementary schools this year!
Our fundraising goal for 2024-2025 is $15,000
StoryBook Ottawa Inc./Livre de contes Ottawa Inc. a is a not-for-profit organization with charitable status from the Canada Revenue Agency. Our charitable tax number is 769521261 RR 0001.
StoryBook Ottawa is operated entirely by volunteers. By making a financial donation to us, you can help a child to own their very own book.
Charitable receipts will be issued for all donations.
Your donation of $25 will buy two children a book.
Your donation of $50 will buy four children a book.
Your donation of $100 will by eight children a book.
Please sponsor a school!
Class Sponsor: A $250 donation will buy books for all 20 children in a class.
Grade Sponsor: A $500 donation will buy books for all 40 children in a grade (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6).
Division Sponsor: A $1,500 donation will buy books for all 120 children in a division (Junior and Senior Kindergarten; Grade 1 to Grade 3; Grade 4 to Grade 6).
School Sponsor: A $4,000 donation will buy books for over 300 children in a school.
Please mail a cheque or money order to:
StoryBook Ottawa Inc.
805-330 Loretta Ave. S.
Ottawa, ON
K1S 4E8
Please transfer funds to sue@storybookottawa.ca and include your name and mailing address in the message to receive a tax receipt.